
Working at Groton

请注意:易胜博app安卓下载不会在Facebook上发布职位空缺. Postings there that appear to be from the school should be considered fraudulent.
在易胜博app安卓下载工作意味着进入一个密切的社区,致力于培养8至12年级的学生并为他们做好准备, as the School’s founder Rev. 恩迪科特·皮博迪说,为“积极的生活工作”.“易胜博app安卓下载为多元化的教职员工提供有竞争力的薪酬和有吸引力的福利待遇.

Faculty Positions

List of 4 items.

  • Mathematics Teacher

    易胜博app安卓下载正在招聘一名全职数学教师. 职责包括与系里其他有经验的成员合作教授四门数学课程. 教师们也应该为学校的课外生活做出贡献,分担一些宿舍和寄宿学校的责任. Qualifications, therefore, 表现出对指导或协调课外活动的兴趣,并愿意完成晚上和周末的工作.

    为教师提供宿舍, meals in the school Dining Hall, utilities, (电话除外)和医疗保险.

    Founded in 1884, Groton School is a diverse community devoted to inspiring lives of character, learning, leadership, and service. 380名8到12年级的学生受益于90多名教职员工的指导,他们住在拥有世界一流设施的田园般的新英格兰校园里, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, Massachusetts.
    易胜博app安卓下载致力于平等就业机会的原则,并寻求反映和支持我们对多元化学校社区的使命驱动承诺的员工. 学校遵守所有有关非歧视就业的政府规定, beyond that, provides an atmosphere that ensures all have the opportunity to succeed on their own merit, qualifications, and abilities. Groton School does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.
    Interested candidates should send a resume and a letter of interest to candidates@modonexpress.net.
  • Chemistry Fellow

    Groton School is seeking a chemistry teaching fellow beginning in September 2024. 该助教将与该系有经验的成员合作教授两门化学导论课程.
    教师们也应该为学校的课外生活做出贡献,分担一些宿舍和寄宿学校的责任. Qualifications, therefore, 表现出对指导或协调课外活动的兴趣,并愿意完成晚上和周末的工作.
    为教师提供宿舍, meals in the school Dining Hall, utilities (except for telephone), and medical insurance.

    Please note that, prior to hire, the selected candidate will be asked to submit proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
    Founded in 1884, Groton School is a diverse community devoted to inspiring lives of character, scholarship, leadership, and service.  380名8到12年级的学生受益于90多名教职员工的指导,他们住在拥有世界一流设施的田园般的新英格兰校园里, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, Massachusetts.
    易胜博app安卓下载致力于平等就业机会的原则,并寻求反映和支持我们对多元化学校社区的使命驱动承诺的员工. 学校遵守所有有关非歧视就业的政府规定, beyond that, provides an atmosphere that ensures all have the opportunity to succeed on their own merit, qualifications, and abilities. Groton School does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.
    Interested candidates should send a resume and a letter of interest to fellows@modonexpress.net

  • Math Fellow

    易胜博app安卓下载正在招聘一名数学助教. 该助教将在该系资深成员的指导下讲授两门课程. 感兴趣的候选人应该有一个B.A. or B.S. 在数学方面有一定的优势,并愿意在更高的水平上教书, 包括AP微积分BC或多元微积分. 有编程经验者优先,但不是必需的.
    教师们也应该为学校的课外生活做出贡献,分担一些宿舍和寄宿学校的责任. Qualifications, therefore, 表现出对指导或协调课外活动的兴趣,并愿意完成晚上和周末的工作.
    为教师提供宿舍, meals in the school Dining Hall, utilities (except for telephone), and medical insurance.

    Please note that, prior to hire, the selected candidate will be asked to submit proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
    Founded in 1884, Groton School is a diverse community devoted to inspiring lives of character, scholarship, leadership, and service.  380名8到12年级的学生受益于90多名教职员工的指导,他们住在拥有世界一流设施的田园般的新英格兰校园里, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, Massachusetts.
    易胜博app安卓下载致力于平等就业机会的原则,并寻求反映和支持我们对多元化学校社区的使命驱动承诺的员工. 学校遵守所有有关非歧视就业的政府规定, beyond that, provides an atmosphere that ensures all have the opportunity to succeed on their own merit, qualifications, and abilities. Groton School does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.
    Interested candidates should send a resume and a letter of interest to candidates@modonexpress.net.
  • Physics Teacher

    易胜博app安卓下载招聘一名全职物理教师, a faculty position, beginning in September 2024. 职责包括与系里其他有经验的成员合作教授四门物理课程. The ideal candidate will have experience teaching physics at the high school level. Experience teaching in a fabrication lab or maker space is also desirable.

    教师们也应该为学校的课外生活做出贡献,分担一些宿舍和寄宿学校的责任. Qualifications, therefore, 表现出对指导或协调课外活动的兴趣,并愿意完成晚上和周末的工作.
    为教师提供宿舍, meals in the school Dining Hall, utilities (except for telephone), and medical insurance.

    Please note that, prior to hire, the selected candidate will be asked to submit proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
    Founded in 1884, Groton School is a diverse community devoted to inspiring lives of character, scholarship, leadership, and service.  380名8到12年级的学生受益于90多名教职员工的指导,他们住在拥有世界一流设施的田园般的新英格兰校园里, 都离波士顿不到一小时的车程, Massachusetts.
    易胜博app安卓下载致力于平等就业机会的原则,并寻求反映和支持我们对多元化学校社区的使命驱动承诺的员工. 学校遵守所有有关非歧视就业的政府规定, beyond that, provides an atmosphere that ensures all have the opportunity to succeed on their own merit, qualifications, and abilities. Groton School does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, 或任何受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.
    Interested candidates should send a resume and a letter of interest to candidates@modonexpress.net.

Teaching Fellow Program

List of 1 items.

  • Charles C. Alexander Teaching Fellow Program

    Groton School, 易胜博app安卓下载的一所男女同校的寄宿学校, Massachusetts, 欢迎申请人到查尔斯C. Alexander Teaching Fellow Program. 该课程为有意在监督下工作的应届大学毕业生提供服务,以培养中学寄宿学校教师所需的各种技能. The program offers as wide an exposure as possible to all aspects of boarding school life.

    助教的职责包括在一位有经验的部门成员的监督下教授两个班级,并观察其他班级. 对研究员开放的领域是英语, History, Mathematics, Classics, French, Spanish, Chinese, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religion, and the Arts (not Art History), 但是每年有空缺的部门都不一样. 空缺职位将在本页列出. Fellows also help coach athletics during at least two but preferably three seasons, 协助宿舍管理每周一到两个晚上和每四个星期六晚上(或根据需要), and participate in other areas of school life commensurate with their interests and talents.

    助教的任命是一年带薪的职位. Also provided are living quarters, meals in the school's Dining Hall, and full utilities, except for telephone. Medical insurance is offered, with recipients paying a small percentage of the premium for the plan chosen.

    We are accepting applications through January 10, 2024 for the 2024–25 school year.

    College seniors and recent graduates interested in applying for the Fellows program should submit a cover letter; a resume indicating education, previous employment, interests, and athletic experience; a copy of their college transcript; and three letters of recommendation to the Charles C. Alexander Teaching Fellow Program, Groton School, 282 Farmers Row, Groton, MA 01450. Questions should be directed to Ms. Rita Lalli at 978-448-7502 or fellows@modonexpress.net.

Staff Positions

List of 7 items.

  • Full-Time Campus Safety Officer

    易胜博app安卓下载的建筑和场地部门正在寻找一名校园安全官员加入学校的安全办公室团队. This is a full-time, benefited position with a Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. schedule.

    应聘者应具有积极的态度, 与学生沟通时具有较强的人际交往能力, faculty, staff, and guests on campus.

    该职位要求有1-3年在中学或大学校园工作的经验, or in a law enforcement, 军事警察或惩教能力.

    If you are a team player and interested in being part of a diverse and busy work environment, please send your resume to jobs@modonexpress.net 标题是“校园安全官”.

  • 女子大学曲棍球队主教练

    易胜博app安卓下载正在为2024年秋季学期(9月初至11月底)的女子大学曲棍球项目寻找主教练。. 这个职位每周最多工作20小时, Monday through Saturday, 向体育主管汇报工作.

    Duties include but are not limited to: supervising the Field Hockey program, conducting practices, motivating students, 指导学生运动员的比赛策略和技术, communicating with the Athletics Department and overseeing day-to-day logistics.


    Compensation will be based on experience and does not include benefits.

    Responsibilities and Duties
    • 指导球员的比赛技术.
    • Organizes and directs individual and small group practice activities/exercises.
    • Assesses player skills and monitors players during competition and practice.
    • Determines game strategy.
    • 在训练和比赛期间监督运动员.
    • 示范体育精神,并保持适当, 对球员的职业行为, opponents, officials, and spectators.
    • Travels with team to away contests.
    The ideal candidate will have:

    • 三年或以上曲棍球教练经验.
    • 优秀的教学技巧和深厚的游戏知识.
    • 教学和教育的包容性方法.
    • Exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to work with a wide array of people (students, coaches, staff, faculty, health care providers).

    Please send your resume to jobs@modonexpress.net 在标题栏写上"曲棍球总教练.

  • Per Diem Nurse

    易胜博app安卓下载正在寻找注册护士在学校的健康中心工作,按日支付(按需), beginning in June. 

    Shifts are in 12-hour blocks and may vary between days, nights and weekends. 

    The ideal candidates will have experience working with adolescents in an office, urgent care, emergency room, school setting, 或具有其他相关护理经验.

    Job responsibilities include:
    • first aid assessment
    • 疾病和伤害的规定治疗
    • medication administration
    • triage
    • emergency response
    • 电子医疗文件在学校设置. 
    Candidates should have a bachelor's in nursing with current Massachusetts RN license, 至少三年以上护理工作经验, and excellent communication skills.

    如需申请,请发送求职信和简历至 jobs@modonexpress.net 并在主题行中引用Per Diem RN.
  • Mailroom & Store Associate

    易胜博app安卓下载招聘兼职收发室 & Store Associate to assist in the operation of the school's Mailroom and Store. 以客户为服务的团队成员, 助理的职责包括分类和分发邮件, 处理学生零用现金交易, 在学校商店当收银员.

    该职位向学校商店经理汇报工作,从9月到6月,每周工作约14小时, 7月和8月的工作时间减少. 特殊活动可能需要额外的时间. 这是一个小时制,没有福利.
    9月至6月学校开课期间(一).e., excluding student breaks):

    • Wednesdays: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the Mailroom
    • Fridays: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the School Store
    • Two Saturdays Per Month: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (视乎需要在收发室或仓库)
    • 在开学前两周需要额外的课时, Parents Weekend, Reunion Weekend, and Prize Day
    Qualified candidates will have:
    • A high school diploma or equivalent
    • 有客户服务经验和积极的态度
    • The ability to work in a fast-paced environment with high school students and adults
    • 较强的组织和沟通能力
    • The ability to process and accurately record simple financial transactions
    • 熟练使用微软办公软件(Excel和Word)和谷歌应用软件
    有意者请将简历及求职信发送至: jobs@modonexpress.net with Mailroom & Store Associate in the subject line.
  • Part-Time Campus Safety Officer

    建筑和地面部正在寻找一名兼职校园安全官员加入易胜博app安卓下载的安全办公室团队. 这个角色没有固定的时间表, at least initially, 每周的工作时间可能会有所不同.

    Applicants must possess a valid and unencumbered Massachusetts driver’s license, a Massachusetts Class “A” firearms permit and First Responder/CPR training. The selected candidate will be required to pass a pre-hire occupational physical.

    应聘者应态度积极,具有良好的人际交往能力,能在学生中履行工作职责, faculty, staff, and guests on campus.

    This position requires 1-3 years previous experience in school or campus security, law enforcement, 宪兵训练或狱警训练.

    A 10% hourly shift differential is paid for second and third shifts.

    If you are a team player and interested in being part of a diverse and busy work environment, please send your resume to jobs@modonexpress.net 标题是“安全官.

  • Part-time Medical Chaperone

    These are on-call positions during the Groton School academic year (early September through June).  
    Responsibilities include:
    • Driving students to and from off-campus medical and behavioral health visits (in areas including, but not limited to, Boston and Manchester, NH).
    • 有效的驾驶执照和良好的驾驶记录
    • 清洁可靠的乘用车 
    • 足够的责任和碰撞汽车保险证明
    • Ability to maintain confidentiality
    • Knowledge of adolescent issues and basic familiarity with the health care environment are helpful.
    Please note that, prior to hire, this position will require a background check.
    Please send your resume to jobs@modonexpress.net 标题是"医疗监护人.
  • 招生办公室访问协调员

    易胜博app安卓下载招生办公室正在寻找一名访问协调员, 谁将负责学校对未来学生及其家庭的访问计划的总体规划和执行.

    As a key, 招生团队的前台成员, 参观协调员的工作是确保所有访客在参观学校时都有一个良好的体验, whether in person or virtually. 这个职位需要了解入学周期, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work effectively with adolescents from many different backgrounds. 这份工作需要有很强的组织能力和灵活性,可以在一天的过程中以及整个录取季节从一项任务转移到另一项任务.

    Responsibilities and Duties
    • Greeting prospective applicants and their families when they arrive on campus
    • 监督每日的参观安排和导游计划
    • Working with the director of Admission to train admission prefects and tour guides
    • 回答电话和电子邮件的询问
    • 处理和维护申请记录
    • 通知学校社区成员访客的情况
    • 全年帮助处理邮件
    • Assisting with the coordination of events and receptions both on and off campus, 其中一些可能会在正常时间之外进行
    • 按照指示修改网站的进入页面
    • 根据招生主任的指示,向申请人发送电子邮件
    • Groton’s Visits Coordinator will also conduct interviews at times
    • Ability to work effectively with adolescents from many different backgrounds
    • 有教育工作经验者优先
    • Strong organizational and communications skills and excellent attention to detail
    • 能够运用机智、谨慎和保密的能力
    • 熟练使用微软办公软件和谷歌办公软件
    • Ability to complete tasks on time despite distractions and interruptions
    • Bachelor’s degree preferred
    • 使用Slate数据库的经验绝对是一项优势.
    Additional Information

    This is a ten-month, full-time (forty hours per week) benefits-eligible, hourly position. The annual schedule coincides approximately with the school calendar (August 15 – June 15). 每周的时间表包括9月初至1月下旬每三个星期的星期六上午一次, as well as covering the office for one week sometime between June 15 and August 15.



Become Part of Groton's Vision

A coeducational, 主要是寄宿学校,有383名学生, Groton sets for its students the highest standards of academic achievement, intellectual growth, ethical awareness and behavior, sportsmanship, athletic endeavor, and service to others.

The school takes leadership seriously, and our concern for character is a point of distinction. 我们的使命远远超出了让学生为上大学做准备, instead aiming to provide an experience that addresses students' growth and maturity. 保持传统与创新的平衡, Groton provides exceptional opportunities to deserving students from diverse social, geographic, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and accepts students without regard to their families' ability to pay tuition.
如果你申请成为易胜博app安卓下载学院的一员, 你应该明白,易胜博app安卓下载认为教师参与学生的生活是至关重要的. 易胜博app安卓下载的教师做的是最好的教师做的事情:建立师生关系,超越课堂,在挑战思想的同时肯定和培养精神. 教师们被期望实现他们把教学职业作为“他们一生的工作”的创始愿景."

An inclusive, tight-knit community, the Groton faculty is dedicated to inspiring student lives of character, learning, leadership, and service.

Non-Discrimination Policy

易胜博app安卓下载致力于平等就业机会的原则,并寻求反映和支持我们对多元化学校社区的使命驱动承诺的员工. 学校遵守所有有关非歧视就业的政府规定, beyond that, provides an atmosphere that ensures all have the opportunity to succeed on their own merit, qualifications, and abilities. Groton School does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, 或其他受法律保护的特征. 这项政策适用于就业的各个方面, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.
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